diumenge, 8 de maig del 2011

Second Boulder WC 2011: Log-Dragomer

Nacho, Bruno, and me were representing FEDME on this second WC in Log-Dragomer. They arrived last night, and I came on wednesday so I could go to the registration and technical meeting (friday's flight was too late for those meetings).So I Stayed at Miha's, who showed me some of Ljubljana. He also introduced me to Mina, super strong and motivated, who I got to train with. It was very interesting to see how Mina trains with her coach Roman, who later that moorning trained Serkan, Jure, etc...I did not train as I usualy do just before competition, but it felt very good, trying new problems more likely wc style, Roman was very nice to help me with the problems. All of them are very kind :-)

On saturday, non of us three made it to semi, being Bruno the closest ending in position 21st. Nacho Was 40th, and me 38th, one position better than previous WC.Despite I didn't have good vibes and the moode was a little down, everything changed at the moment I started compiting, I realised I'm still fit and still have power (lst week is been like I did not want to push...), and good vibrations came back. I managet to climb 3 problems out of 5, and the other 2 i just falled on catching the top...I think I'm in the right way, gathering experience, way more important than power (although power is also necessary). You need to climb a lot of these competitions to get used to them.Now I'm allready thinking on Wien WC, and specially on Barcelona WC and Arco World Champs...

Motivation is back! Let's go training with Miha and before watching semis and Finalas!!!!

(As nacho was the first of us to compete, he took pics but he couldn't get photographed himself)

2 comentaris:

  1. només volia dir, que la imatge de fons de perfil dificulta la lectura i acabes per desistir...la resta molt wai!

  2. Gràcies pel consell!
    Ja m'ho havien comentat i no havia tingut massa temps, a veure si així es pot, ja que no em deixa donar percentatges d'opacitat, o transparento o amb color... a veure is puc fer alguna cosa més per tal que es veja millor!
