dijous, 16 de setembre del 2010
the refresher!
Així mateix fent amics allí on anem.
Estem treballant en un altre teaser que haurà d'esperar una mica més (ens estàn tirant del garito on estem, que és hora de dormir)
Podeu veure més info al blog on Pavi deixa correr alguns dels seus pensaments, i al de Miguel on prompte podrà penjar material!
dilluns, 13 de setembre del 2010
friend's motivation!!!!!!!
Al video surten uns quants blocs Austriacs molt molt motivants!!!!!!!
I si cliqueu ací veureu algunes de l es fotos de la boulder party de Flirsch!
dimarts, 7 de setembre del 2010
Cambi d'aires
La primera parada va ser Flirsch, on ens varen acollir a una mena de compe, no, compe no, concentració de bloc, boulder & party, Bouldern Charity Flirsch 2010. Aquí varem passa molt bones estones, primer apretant cantos a tope, després apretant birres a tope, fent nous amics... una passada d'event...
vol. 1: the pain and the rain
vol. 1: the pain and the rain from Ignasi Tarrazona Gasque on Vimeo.
Some shots from this first part of our european trip. On August the 7th we took of Gandia in our way to Switzerland. We were 4 in the bus: Carlos Preciado, Carlos Álvarez, Javi Casas, and me. Once in Magic we met with some of our friends, but they had to leave, so both Carlos' too. So here we are now, Pavi and me, waitinf for Miguel Navarro to come on September the 9th to Innsbruck, so it's time to move a bit.
Due to problems to find some internet connections, we had to upload a non HD video, once we get some decent connection we'll try to reupload it propperly.
This video has been Editet by Ignasi Tarrazona with the help of Pavi Casas. Shot by Pavi, Luis Muñoz, Carlos Preciado, Carlos Álvarez Tobias Kleemar and by myself. this is just a preview, so Stay tuned ;-)
the song is a jeff mills theme: imagine